ware studio

Fazenda Futuro

The lavish Christmas feast of Fazenda Futuro featured Franguitos turkey as the centerpiece of the dinner, catering to a generation that focuses on the future and reducing meat consumption. And as side dishes , there were Linguiça Futuro sausage and Kikikibe snacks. Through the styling of ear phone wire belts, packaging transformed into bags, necklaces and earrings customized with the brand logo; the set design featuring products wrapped as gifts with a bow, and a cell phone charging on the main dish; as well as the Anitta easter eggs displayed in frames and Christmas cards, we portrayed the Gen Z lifestyle. All of this created a futuristic atmosphere, with Futuro products taking the spotlight on this night out, featuring Anitta, the Brazilian pop star and Futuro’s brand ambassador, as a delightful addition.


  • Ware @warestudio.ccCreative Concept & Production
  • Eliza War @elizawar Creative Direction and Photography
  • Amanda Rios @euamandariosCreative Producer and 1AD
  • Heitor Gois @heitorgoisHead of Design
  • Mariana Cezario @maricezarioHead of Production
  • Léo Eloy @leoeloyLight Design
  • Luiz Ferreira @luizfferrSet Design
  • Júlia Bissiato @juliafoodstylistFoodstyling
  • Lobo and Ricardo Nunes @xricostaxMockup
  • Taina de Castro @tainadecastrooStyling
  • Bruno NascimentoBeauty
  • Marreco @marrecoreRetouch


The lavish Christmas feast of Fazenda Futuro featured Franguitos turkey as the centerpiece of the dinner, catering to a generation that focuses on the future and reducing meat consumption. And as side dishes , there were Linguiça Futuro sausage and Kikikibe snacks. Through the styling of ear phone wire belts, packaging transformed into bags, necklaces and earrings customized with the brand logo; the set design featuring products wrapped as gifts with a bow, and a cell phone charging on the main dish; as well as the Anitta easter eggs displayed in frames and Christmas cards, we portrayed the Gen Z lifestyle. All of this created a futuristic atmosphere, with Futuro products taking the spotlight on this night out, featuring Anitta, the Brazilian pop star and Futuro’s brand ambassador, as a delightful addition.